"We have chosen this song for multiple reasons. Firstly we think that the bat and the lyrics of the song show exactly what the R&B genre has as some of its stereotypes. Secondly, we think that this is also a good example of an R&B sing without rap within it. This would allow us to use as many of the R&B conventions to make our video successful in its field. Thirdly, this song contain an emotional, hearty vibe to the song, making us able to tap into the protagonist emotions of the current situation. This would help us greatly when picking the narrative and how it should be portrayed. However it also has a vixen edge to her tone of voice, this will enable us to use darker colours for hair, wardrobe and make up."
My Audio Script:
Here is the script that I created before I decided to make my audio.
I decided to display my answer in video format:
When we were looking at project we wanted certain things to stand out as effective. Firstly, it was house style. when we first embarked on this project we realised that it would be so much easier to link to two ancillary tasks together, however it would be more difficult to link either to the music video. I believe that is when we took image and house style more seriously and moved our research from secondary to primary as well as moving planning to extensive, detailed analysis into convention which sculpted our planning. When looking at house style we wanted to make that we showing her feminine side, highlighting female dominance and girl power often suggested in R&B music videos. On top of this we had sure that this was used throughout the project such as props during the video being used in our photo shoot for the album cover and poster.
The house was continued into the digipak by using the colours black and pink, con notating mystery, sex appeal, femininity and reaching out to the younger female audience with some lighter shades of pink.
The effectiveness was evidenced by the feedback we received of the digipak by both social media, showing our research into the older category of our target audience as well as our younger viewers.
Both these responses show that the house style was incredibly effective giving the target market a sense of realism as well as creating an effective promotional package for the artist through shown in our colour schemes when comparing both the music video and our ancillary tasks.
Our research and extensive planning was shown to be effective when we asked a member of industry to take a look at our promotional package and he had this to say;
He highlighted that our research and planning was proven not only useful but essential as he helped us see how our work looked and had the structure of an actual music video and he said he was surprising impressed with the attention to detail such as the icon and the black bars as well as the introduction and the titles. We felt that we also spread this highlighted use of professionalism through to our ancillary task by adding existing magazine reviews on our album poster and record label icons onto the back of our album cover.
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