Friday 15 March 2013

Construction - Making the shots slip into the timeline and increasing or decreasing shot length. - Prince And I

During the construction and editing of our music video we decided to use final cut . Since no one in our group was a pro at using final cut it meant that some  of the effects that we wanted to use in our music video either limited or wasnt done at all. This for us as a group was destressful, knowing that this would hold us back in editing and then would bring down the overall quailty of our music video. Luckily we had final cut pros at our disposal via youtube on the internet. We found that most of the problems that occured, when searched on the internet or youtube could be easily overcome using the tutoriasl that were availible. this allows to learn tthe skills quick enough to apply them to our video without it looking shabby.

Here is one of the videos we used to help us with the editing:

From watching this short video you would probably have an idea of what type of problem we encountered during the editing. Well, on recording day where we went to shoot our videos we thought we had done a great job in terms of lighting, the song and...the lip syncing. But we were later proved wrong when we were exposed by final cut. We put in a clip into final cut and made sure it corresponded with the sound track and found that our artist had come out of lip sync or was too slow or too fast half way in a verse. This was a problem, a very big problem and with the deadline for our rough cut just days away and no time to record, we needed to find a way to overcome this problem. This is where the help of this video came in. We simply used one of the tools on final cut to speed up or slow down the video so that the lip syncing and the sound track went together!(Prince)

Here is how we did it: 
First i had to locate the problem or the part of the clip which i want to edit and either make slower or faster. When thius was done i highlighted/selected the part fo the clip. I then i went to "Modify - Speed"

This caption shows us moving the speed by increasing
the percentage.

In this shot we had to move the shot within the created
timeline we had and then slow it down using
properties then speed. Thus tehn decreased the shot making it slowed and the overall shot longer or we could do the reverse. 

In this shot it shows us moving the black bars that we have
 created into the newly cut and shortened scene.
This was gragged acrosss the timeline which allowed us to
use it across the video without replying it in every shot added.

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