Monday 12 November 2012

Auteur Research

Fir our video we were asked to do an auteur research. An auteur is a french word originated from author. It is filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over his or her works and has a strong personal style. This can be also referred to the star image of a music director.
in a music video this is sometimes used to give a new artist a boost in the industry when they are seen to work with a well known music director or music producer.
This is a video hosted by David of The Savage Experience that gives you a detailed insight into the term 'Auteur' and explains its french roots.
From this video we can take the idea and apply it to music video and the narratives within that often constitutes a storyline, plot or scenario seen in modern life.
The would be needed for our music video as we have a narrative combined with the performance. for example personal style would have to be injected into our video to show the style of genre as well as the audience we would want to attract and watch it.
As you can see his name as been altered during that editing of his video by the director to kind of give him an edge and for him have have a recognisable image that people relate to as he is a new artist.

This was later used y the record company to mould his image for others to recognise.

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