Friday 12 October 2012

Target Audience

My Target audience would be the Hipsters and Get paid crew.
Below I have put together a mind map of my target audience and image evidence that I researched from UK Tribes.

The UK Tribes website

Next Jessica and I decided to create an interview type video to show what our target audience would expect in a music video and what they like.
Firstly, we got a group together of similar characteristics which they all listen to similar music video I decided to create and interview with them. I asked them questions such as:
"What do you typically expect from a music video?"
For the information we have received from the interview allowed us to create a storyline that is relevant to the video and its lyrics as well as making a performance scene that fits the stereotypes of the R&B genre.
"You know when like the little doggies running around"
By Elliot Stedman

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